Fibre / Ethernet – Modem in the hallway provides wireless access.

Kauppis-Heikintie 1,3 and 5 (100 Mb)
Petter Kumpulaisentie 11 (100 Mb)
Petter Kumpulaisentie 9 ABC (100 Mb)
Paloisvuorentie 24 ABC (6/2021)
Paloisvuorentie 24 DE (6/2021)
Pöllösenlahdenkatu 3 DE (100 Mb)
Pöllösenlahdenkatu 7 ABC, DE (100 Mb)

Your home has fibre broadband. You will find the modem in the distribution cabinet or in the hallway for a
wireless or cable connection. (Each home has fibre broadband.
However, the cable is not connected to the room sockets).

Fibre / Ethernet – You will not need a modem.

Oivakuja 1 and 2 (100 Mb)
Paloisvuorentie 16 ABC and DE (100 Mb)
Pöllösenlahdenkatu 1 ABC (100 Mb)
Pöllösenlahdenkatu 3 ABC (100 Mb)
Sarvikatu 4 C (100 Mb)
Satamakatu 11 (100 Mb)

The distribution cabinet in the hallway has numbered sockets. The socket numbers refer to
the numbers in the room sockets. In the distribution cabinet, check the number for the room where you want the Internet.
Then connect the wire to the socket in that room. (The distribution cabinet is connected to the rooms by copper wire).
A modem is needed only if you want to use wireless connection.

Ethernet cable and ethernet socket.

Fibre – VDSL2 – Connect the modem to a telephone socket.

Harjuntie 2 AB (100 Mb)
Honkakatu 2 (100 Mb)
Juhonkatu 3 and Juhonkatu 8 (100 Mb)
Jännekatu 18 AB and CD, Jännekatu 20 AB, CD, Jännekatu 22 AB and CD (100 Mb)
Kaivokatu 4 AB and C (100 Mb)
Kannelkuja 4 AB (6/2021)
Karjalankatu 27 (100 Mb)
Kilpikuja 2B (100 Mb)
Kirkonsalmentie 12 and Kirkonsalmentie 14 (100 Mb)
Kivirannantie 37, Kivirannantie 39 (100 Mb)
Koulutie 4 A, B (100 Mb)
Kuutolankatu 6 (100 Mb)
Linkinlahdenkatu 16 (100 Mb)
Lohkarekuja 2 (100 Mb)
Mäntymäentie 20, Runni (100 Mb)
Otavankatu 7 (100 Mb)
Pajukatu 5 (100 Mb)
Pekankatu 10 and Pekankatu 12 (100 Mb)
Pengerpolku 4 AB and CD (100 Mb)
Pihlajakatu 1 (100 Mb)
Poskipuronkatu 9 (100 Mb)
Pohjoiskaari 4 and 2 (100 Mb)
Sarvikatu 1 and Sarvikatu 4 AB (100 Mb)
Saunatie 1, Saunatie 4 (100 Mb)
Sotilaskatu 2 and 4 (100Mb)
Sotilaskatu 16 A, B (100 Mb)
Suistamonkatu 99 and 101 (100 Mb)
Taavetinkuja 3 (100 Mb)
Töyrykatu 3 ABC, Töyrykatu 4 CDE, Töyrykatu 6 ABC, Töyrykatu 6 DEF

Telephone socket.

Please note

A wireless connection, an outdated modem or your device may slow down your internet connection.
Some homes may come with a modem that you can use. If it breaks, please return it
to the property manager. When you move out, leave the modem in your apartment. The modem speed is limited to below
30 Mb.

Instructions for resetting the modem (PDF)
Reset the modem – ENG